2023 Stories of Stoke: Meet Eric, 2023 Hanai Co-Lead!
My name is Eric Johnson and I have been a volunteer with US4K for about 10 years. I was introduced to the organization while working as a therapist at a local group home. The group home youth were participating in the surf therapy camps, and as a lifelong surfer I had to check it out. Now, a decade later, I’m just as stoked to be volunteering as I was from day one. I helped develop the Hanai program so we could expand services for our youth, have chaperoned in Hawaii several times for our Dreaming of Aloha Life-Skills program, Drop by fundraisers when I can, and support Urbansurf4kids as a monthly donor.
The impact on our youth that Urbansurf4kids provides is truly impactful and at times life-changing. I say this because many of our youth have been involved with Urbansurf4kids for several years, shared their stories with me, and expressed with gratitude the positive impact this program has on their lives.
I have been a Hanai leader for 5 years and have had several youth be in my Hanai group those 5 years, with some returning for their 6th Hanai season this year! I can’t even begin to think about what my favorite memories are as I have so many, and honestly every time I’m with our youth, I feel like those are some of the best and most fulfilling days of my life.

The youth are so grateful and appreciative of Urbansurf4kids and our volunteers. In this program, my kiddos have been able to develop healthy, meaningful relationships with our volunteers. Many youth return as volunteers themselves once they are adults and continue to pass on the love that the organization provides!